blob, abiss, yellow, angel, crying, upset, sad, negative, ;_;, ;.;, T_T
blob, abiss, yellow, angel, youkoso, welcome, celebration, confetti, party, positive, actions, :), ^_^
blob, aoi, blue, sighing, owata, giving up, negative, -_-, O_O
blob, aoi, blue, neutral, :)
blob, boxer, white, question, confused, wondering, huh, ?, neutral, :o
blob, boxer, white, boxing, fighting, punching, serious, actions, neutral, negative
blob, boxer, white, karate chop, hitting, fighting, actions, crying, hurt, pain, negative
blob, boxer, white, karate chop, hitting, fighting, actions, serious, neutral, negative
blob, boxer, white, boxing, fighting, punching, actions, serious, neutral, negative
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, question, confused, wondering, huh, ?, neutral
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, positive, friends, bus, vehicle, car, riding, driving, frog, scene, actions, neutral, traveling
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, teasing, playful, actions, akanbe, :P
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, goodbye, hello, greeting, waving, positive
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, excited, bouncing, happy, hyper, happy, positive, ^_^
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, excited, positive, smiling
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, excited, positive, clapping, congratulations
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, negative, dislike, upset, tantrum, refusing, >_<
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, talking, phone, actions, conversation, positive, neutral
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, autumn, fall, mushrooms, gathering, actions, scenes, neutral
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, turning, actions, spinning, neutral
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, excited, shy
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, yelling, calling, talking, neutral, actions
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, actions, bathing, shampoo, washing, actions, scenes, neutral
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, angel, love
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, cleaning, chores, working, actions, neutral, scenes
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, neutral, sleeping, tired, sleepy, actions
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, neutral, actions, chores, laundry, clothesline, scenes, working
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, raining, rainy, frogs, umbrella, scenes
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, neutral, sewing, crafting, working, sewing machine, actions, scenes
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, neutral, working, actions, scenes, cooking, food, singing, stirring
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, neutral, teruterubozu, window, scenes, raining, rainy, hydrangeas
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, neutral, grocery shopping, groceries, cart, actions, chores, working, scenes
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, neutral, summer, beach, drink, relaxing, scenes
blob, bubble hair, yellow, multicolor, happy, positive, neutral, ufo, alien, spaceship, unidentified flying object
blob, buns, white, friend, neutral, positive, friendship
blob, buns, white, eating, dango, neutral, food, actions
blob, cactus, green, happy, positive, neutral
blob, cactus, green, negative, shocked, surprised, whoa, !!, startled, scared
blob, cactus, green, happy, positive, neutral
blob, cactus, green, neutral, laptop, computer, online, turning off, working, actions
blob, cactus, green, negative, tantrum, dislike, refusing, upset
blob, cactus, green, friends, neutral
blob, cactus, green, happy, drinks, drinking, cheers, kanpai, toasting, friends, actions
blob, camellia, white, happy, positive, clapping, actions
blob, camellia, white, annoyed, negative, tired, angry
blob, camellia, white, excited, happy, bouncing, positive
blob, camellia, white, happy, love, excited, congratulations, positive
blob, camellia, white, happy, love, positive, nod, yes, agreeing
blob, camellia, white, sad, disappointed, pleading, upset, negative
blob, camellia, white, annoyed, angry, upset, negative
blob, chibi bug, pink, happy, positive, neutral, small
blob, chibi bug, pink, shocked, surprised, startled, scared, negative, small
blob, chibi bug, pink, happy, positive, bouncing, excited, small
blob, chibi bug, pink, happy, positive, waving, excited, small
blob, chibi bug, pink, happy, positive, small
blob, chibi bug, pink, happy, positive, bouncing, excited, small
blob, chirol, white, love, crush, adoring, positive
blob, chirol, white, tired, dead, x_x, exhausted, giving up, negative
blob, chirol, white, pink, writing, notes, letter, actions, neutral
blob, chirol, white, letter, mail, neutral
blob, doug, blue, waving, yelling, actions, magic, wand, star, positive
blob, doug, blue, flying, superhero, looking, actions, neutral
blob, doug, blue, house, window, open, chimney, happy, welcome, positive
blob, doug, blue, carp, banner, fish, yelling, riding, actions, japanese
blob, doug, blue, yelling, bouncing, happy, excited, positive
blob, doug, blue, actions, eating, neutral, udon, food, noodles, chopsticks, japanese
blob, doug, blue, digging, positive, bamboo shoot, actions, japanese
blob, doug, blue, mail, transforming, heart, positive
blob, doug, blue, pleading, sad, negative, neutral, upset
blob, doug, blue, excited, positive, singing, music, happy
blob, doug, blue, winking, walking, spinning, heart, star, actions, positive
blob, dyna, pink, white, angel, wings, bowing, thanking, actions, neutral, positive
blob, dyna, pink, white, angel, wings, dynamite, bomb, explode, explosion, negative, neutral, actions
blob, dyna, pink, white, angel, wings, looking, neutral
blob, ena, yellow, pink, sun, star, scenes, cherry blossom viewing, sakura, actions, japanese
blob, ena, yellow, star, happy, positive, smiling
blob, ena, pink, sun, happy, positive, smiling
blob, fromage, yellow, upset, boo, no, negative, angry, disappointed
blob, fromage, yellow, excited, happy, bouncing, positive
blob, fromage, yellow, excited, happy, smiling, positive
blob, fromage, yellow, shaking fist, angry, upset, negative, no, disagree
blob, fromage, yellow, neutral
blob, fromage, yellow, stars, excited, happy, positive
blob, glasses starhead, white, huh, question, confused, neutral
blob, glasses starhead, white, raining, rainy, umbrella, neutral
blob, lava blob, orange, yellow, shy, hiding, actions, neutral
blob, lava blob, orange, yellow, eating, mochi, actions, neutral, positive
blob, lava blob, orange, yellow, thumbs up, yes, positive, approval, wink, congratulations
blob, lava blob, orange, yellow, dizzy, disoriented, confused, negative
blob, lava blob, orange, yellow, love, crush, adoring, positive
blob, lava blob, orange, yellow, giggling, teehee, laughing, playful, positive
blob, lava blob, orange, yellow, surrendering, giving up, exhausted, tired, quitting, white flag, waving, negative
blob, lava blob, orange, yellow, crying, upset, sad, negative, no, tantrum
blob, lava blob, orange, yellow, happy, excited, dancing, bouncing, positive
blob, lemon, yellow, actions, neutral, music, playing instrument, cello, angel, wings
blob, lemon, yellow, angel, wings, shocked, surprised, startled, huh, negative
blob, monochrome devil, white, love, crush, positive, shocked, surprised
blob, monochrome devil, white, clapping, congratulations, positive
blob, vamp, white, wings, flying, devil, hearts, wand, magic, love, crush, hearts, positive, actions
blob, onion, white, shy, neutral, hiding, cloud
blob, onion, white, cake, food, desserts, birthday, blowing out candles, clapping, actions, scenes, positive, happy, celebration, congratulations
blob, onion, white, raining, rainy, teruterubozu, happy, positive, umbrella
blob, onion, white, crying, giving up, owata, upset, negative
blob, onion, white, upset, irritated, angry, negative
blob, onion, white, love, crush, positive
blob, onion, white, love, crush, positive, confused, disoriented
blob, onion, white, winking, shh, secret, whispering
blob, onion, white, confetti, party, celebration, congratulations, positive, hooray
blob, onion, white, lightning, shocked, scared, shivering, negative
blob, paria, white, dancing, music, neutral, actions, scenes
blob, paria, white, drinking, alcohol, beer, actions, drunk, burping, neutral
blob, paria, white, talking, neutral
blob, rie, white, excited, positive, confetti, party, celebration, congratulations, hooray
blob, rie, white, painting, drawing, crafting, creating, actions, artist, neutral
blob, rie, white, heart, kissing, friends, love, crush, romance, actions, positive
blob, rie, white, pink, winking, wings, flying, neutral, positive, heart
blob, rie, white, winking, neutral
blob, Ryu, green, talking, yelling, actions, waving, calling, neutral, excited
blob, Ryu, pink, sick, sneezing, actions, snot, negative, neutral, allergies, cold, illness
blob, spinny hat, white, pink, cooking, food, actions, eggs, frying, neutral
blob, spinny hat, white, pink, kissing, couple, friends, love, romance, crush, actions
blob, spinny hat, white, string, cat's cradle, playful, actions, neutral
blob, spinny hat, white, listening, e?, eh?, huh, confused, actions, neutral
blob, spinny hat, white, pink, love, blushing, hearts, wand, positive
blob, spinny hat, white, blushing, birthday, congratulations, celebration, party, blowing out candles
blob, spinny hat, white, spinning, actions, neutral, dancing
blob, spinny hat, white, pink, throwing, tossing, juggling, heart, love, neutral, actions
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, blushing, shy, embarrassed, tongue out, playful, sweatdrop, negative, neutral, actions
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, drinking, flying, actions, alcohol, drunk, neutral
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, friends, cheers, toasting, kanpai, alcohol, drinking, actions, neutral, party, positive
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, cloud, flying, positive, happy
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, yelling, calling, talking, kissing, blowing kiss, love, crush, happy, positive
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, happy, positive, spinning, dancing, turning, flowers, sparkles
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, religious, flowers, flying, group, friends, neutral, actions
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, sports, playing, basketball, actions, neutral
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, bathing, washing, actions, neutral
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, car, driving, riding, racing, actions, scenes, neutral
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, summer, hot, heat, fan, sweat, cool off, blowing, relaxing, actions, scenes, neutral
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, sweat, headband, exercise, running, actions, marathon, sports, neutral
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, sleeping, moon, night, zzz, asleep, clouds, neutral, actions, relaxing
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, spinning, dancing, waving, neutral, positive, actions
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, raining, rainy, umbrella, snail, hydrangea, positive, neutral, scenes
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, victory, bui, peace sign, success, excited, positive
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, chichi, tsk, wagging finger, waggling, no, negative, smug
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, shocked, explode, dissolve, negative, startled, surprised
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, gardening, watering, chores, actions, scenes, neutral
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, clouds, flying, happy, positive
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, shocked, scared, hiding, negative, startled, surprised
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, laughing, giggling, funny, happy, positive
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, playing instrument, flute, music, actions, neutral
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, friends, couple, love, romance, cuddling, snuggling, blanket
blob, tenshi dango, angel, white, running, spring, cherry blossom, sakura, tree, actions, scenes, positive, happy, excited
blob, tomachan, tomato, strawberry, fruit, pink, giving, gift, present, for you, blushing, actions, neutral
blob, tomachan, tomato, strawberry, fruit, pink, tantrum, angry, upset, shaking fist, frustrated, negative
blob, tomachan, tomato, strawberry, fruit, pink, dead, tired, x_x, exhausted, giving up, negative
blob, tomachan, tomato, strawberry, fruit, pink, smiling, neutral, happy
blob, tomachan, tomato, strawberry, fruit, pink, crying, sad, upset, disappointed, negative
blob, tomachan, tomato, strawberry, fruit, pink, wai, excited, celebration, happy, positive, cheering
blob, uchuu, alien, white, yellow, stars, raining, meteor shower, dancing, turning, spinning, actions, scenes, neutral, positive
blob, uchuu, alien, white, yellow, happy, excited, positive, bouncing
blob, uchuu, alien, white, yellow, confetti, party, celebration, flowers, throwing, tossing, excited, happy, positive, congratulations
blob, vamp, white, wings, flying, devil, snail, umbrella, neutral, raining, rainy
blob, vamp, white, wings, flying, devil, thumbs up, happy, positive, !
blob, white baby, white, smug, smirking, sparkle, thinking, smiling, neutral
blob, white baby, white, gift, giving, present, douzo, coffee, tea, serving, neutral, actions
blob, white baby, white, excited, squee, kya, happy, positive, hearts, love
blob, white baby, white, couple, friends, kissing, love, couple, hearts, romance, actions, positive
blob, white baby, white, group, neutral
blob, yuumi, blue, rainbow, excited, positive
blob, yuumi, blue, hearts, talking, cell phone, positive, actions, neutral
blob, yuumi, blue, neutral, eating, noodles, chopsticks, actions
blob, yuumi, blue, flower, throwing, tossing, actions, positive, playful, neutral
blob, yuumi, blue, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, white, question, wondering, thinking, ?, huh, confused
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, white, buns, eating, ice cream, shaved ice, brain freeze, actions, neutral, desserts, sweets
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, black, shadow, devil, demon, evil, mischievous
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, white, wings, mail, hearts, excited, happy, positive
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, blue, son goku, journey to the west, sword, fighter, warrior, fantasy, clouds, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, white, hearts, excited, happy, positive, kissing, valentines, romance, crush
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, white, hearts, excited, happy, positive, couple, wedding, romance
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, white, dizzy, confused, disoriented, negative
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, white, waving, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, white, flowers, flower crown, waving, hello, goodbye, greeting, positive, happy
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, white, headscarf, cleaning, dustpan, chores, actions, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, green, angry, frustrated, tantrum, negative, upset, shaking fists
blob, mixed blobs, hard outline, white, flowers, tulip, valentines, love, happy, positive, romance, crush
blob, mixed blobs, small, white, pink, flowers, smiling, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, small, white, umbrella, hearts, yelling, talking, positive, happy
blob, mixed blobs, small, blue, laughing, happy, smiling, positive, bug, antenna, positive
blob, mixed blobs, small, red, pleading, sparkles, please, excited, blushing, positive
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, purple, music, dj, headphones, record, singing, playing, neutral, actions
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, white, love, couple, romance, friends, heart, ribbon, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, white, wings, antenna, flying, mail, letter, envelope, heart, love, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, pink, purple, throwing, tossing, confetti, antenna, flying, mail, letter, envelope, hearts, love, positive
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, yellow, ribbon, bowing, thanking, neutral, actions
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, white, witch, halloween, trick or treat, candy cane, sweets, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, white, tongue out, teasing, negative, no, refusing, tantrum, antenna
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, white, couple, japanese, orihime, hikoboshi, stars, tanabata, couple, love
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, white, happy, flying, wings, positive
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, pink, purple, happy, drinking, flowers, neutral, actions
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, yellow, star, happy, moon, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, white, blue, crown, writing, letter, pencil, actions, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, brown, happy, excited, jumping, hooray, positive
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, blue, excited, surprised, shocked
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, pink, ribbon, happy, yes, agree, ok, positive, thumbs up
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, yellow, moth, antenna, wings, bug, sleepy, sleeping, neutral, actions, moon, pastel
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, green, embarrassed, laughing
blob, mixed blobs, soft outline, red, pink, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, unique, white, pink, question, confused, glasses, star, nerd, puzzled, question, wondering, thinking, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, unique, brown, burger, hamburger, chewing, eating, talking, happy, excited, positive, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, unique, white, pinwheel, blowing, playing, playful, toys, actions, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, unique, yellow, nerd, beret, glasses, hat, waving, greeting, positive, hello, goodbye
blob, mixed blobs, unique, pink, yellow, flowers, blooming, happy, winking, blinking
blob, mixed blobs, unique, pink, pool floaty, inner tube, summer, playing, flowers, excited, happy, positive
blob, mixed blobs, unique, orange, fruit, food, happy, positive, bouncing
blob, mixed blobs, unique, white, bouncing, talking, yelling, actions, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, unique, blue, wings, angel, sign, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, unique, pink, hugging, plushie, toys, hearts
blob, mixed blobs, unique, pink, humanoid, heart, neutral
blob, mixed blobs, unique, pink, computer, robot, excited, happy, positive
blob, mixed blobs, unique, green, star, computer, working, typing, actions, neutral
animals, cats, achi, black, white, blue, neutral
animals, cats, achi, black, white, blue, love, excited, happy, positive
animals, cats, achi, black, white, blue, happy, blush, embarrassed, positive
animals, cats, kazutan, brown, yellow, laughing, happy, positive, shaking fist
animals, cats, kazutan, brown, yellow, positive, excited, hooray, banzai, ^_^
animals, cats, kazutan, brown, yellow, neutral, goodbye, hello, greeting, waving
animals, cats, kazutan, brown, yellow, spinning, turning, dancing, neutral
animals, cats, kazutan, brown, yellow, love, hearts, blowing kiss, crush, positive, happy
animals, cats, kazutan, brown, yellow, teasing, actions, akanbe, :P
animals, cats, kazutan, brown, yellow, sleepy, tired, exhausted, negative
animals, cats, kazutan, brown, yellow, sleepy, tired, exhausted, sleeping, actions, snoring, yawning, neutral
animals, cats, kazutan, brown, yellow, writing, letter, actions, neutral
animals, cats, kazutan, brown, yellow, flipping, jumping, actions, neutral
animals, cats, kocha, brown, yellow, dizzy, confused, negative, @_@
animals, cats, kocha, brown, yellow, angry, negative, upset, frustrated
animals, cats, kocha, brown, yellow, sweatdrop, apologetic, sorry, pleading, ^_^A
animals, cats, kocha, brown, yellow, negative, upset, tantrum, no, >_<
animals, cats, kocha, brown, yellow, spinning, turning, blinking, neutral, actions
animals, cats, kocha, brown, yellow, blinking, neutral
animals, cats, k-san, white, yellow, nodding, positive, ^_^, yes, agreeing
animals, cats, k-san, white, yellow, punching, fighting, angry, actions, negative, upset
animals, cats, k-san, white, yellow, winking, neutral
animals, cats, k-san, white, yellow, -_-, annoyed, negative, angry, smirking
animals, cats, k-san, white, yellow, crying, sad, upset, negative, T_T, ;_;
animals, cats, k-san, white, yellow, clapping, pachipachi, congratulations, positive, actions
animals, cats, k-san, white, yellow, sleeping, actions, neutral, zzz
animals, cats, nekita, white, pink, sweating, hot, summer, neutral, actions
animals, cats, nekita, white, pink, happy, excited, ^0^
animals, cats, shiro and mike, calico, fishing, actions, scenes, neutral
animals, cats, shiro and mike, calico, spinning, turning, ^_^, neutral, actions
animals, cats, shiro and mike, calico, white, couple, friends, neutral
animals, cats, shiro and mike, calico, eating, chopsticks, rice, neutral
animals, cats, shiro and mike, calico, excited, ^_^, happy, positive
animals, cats, shiro and mike, calico, excited, ^_^, autumn, fall, actions, scenes, positive
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, excited, shocked, surprised, :O, positive
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, victory, peace sign, excited, celebration, positive
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, excited, hearts, confetti, blowing kiss, blushing, ^0^
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, ._., o_o, o.o, blank, neutral, listening, thinking, surprised, shocked
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, annoyed, side eye, >_>, >.>
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, positive, smiling, ^_^
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, excited, yelling, cheering, happy, positive, ^0^
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, confused, question, ?, wondering
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, tired, dizzy, confused, giving up, sighing, -_-, -.-
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, ^_^, ^u^, smiling, positive, happy
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, angry, upset, tantrum, negative, >_<
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, hooray, confetti, party, celebration, positive
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, cheering, ^0^, hooray, positive, excited
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, pleading, blushing, neutral
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, angry, negative, annoyed
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, worrying, sad, upset, negative
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, annoyed, angry, upset, negative, -_-, -.-
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, greeting, waving, hello, goodbye, positive, actions
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, dancing, actions, neutral, positive
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, actions, brushing teeth, neutral
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, blushing, embarrassed, love, letter, mail, envelope, hearts, crush, positive
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, sweating, tired, exhausted, giving up, surrender, negative
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, waving, greeting, hello, goodbye, positive, happy
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, thinking, worrying, upset, negative
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, crying, sad, ;_;, T_T
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, excited, hooray, happy, positive
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, shivering, cold, scared, negative
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, excited, happy, smiling, positive
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, yaa yaa, talking, actions
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, bouquet, flowers, gift, neutral, happy
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, snow, snowman, winter, cold, weather, seasonal, neutral
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, dusting, coughing, mask, allergies, actions, neutral, chores
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, cold, winter, snow, seasonal, weather, neutral
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, seasonal, winter, new year, hanetsuki, oibane, badminton, japanese, actions
animals, cats, shiro and mike, white, seasonal, summer, inner tube, water, ocean, pool, floaty, actions
animals, cats, siamese, brown, friends, couple, love, hearts, kissing, positive
animals, cats, siamese, brown, licking, excited, positive, neutral